[SVN] Commit error message

Michael Sheets mummer at whitefalls.org
Mon Aug 21 09:47:17 UTC 2006

> I am trying to commit some snippets in the HTML mason bundle.  
> However I get this error message. Any idea what this means, and  
> what I need to do to get round it?
> Commit failed (details follow):PUT of '/svn/Bundles/!svn/wrk/ 
> e01092b4-831b-0410-916f-925d6d15e231/trunk/Bundles/Mason.tmbundle/ 
> Snippets/%3C%25doc%3E...%20(doc).plist': 412 Precondition Failed  
> (http://macromates.com)

Yeah I noticed you hadn't submitted the whole bundle when I saw the  
info.plist listed more items :)

This may be a really wacky mod_security issue from Textdrive, I know  
sometimes it catches wild things sometimes. (It's a spam and such  
filer) Somewhere you can put the snippet so someone else can try the  
same commit to see if it's your location or the snippet itself?  
Either way allan might need to file a report with TextDrive.

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