[SVN] Release Note Additions

James Edward Gray II james at grayproductions.net
Thu Aug 10 15:51:44 UTC 2006

On Aug 10, 2006, at 10:29 AM, Michael Sheets wrote:

>> Not sure I agree. If the release notes need further filtering, I  
>> think they should be sorted by bundle, perhaps with some kind of  
>> folding markers.
> Well the important thing to note here is that everyone using the  
> main app which are the notes it drowns out. And also to note that  
> most users aren't running cutting edge; so they can have many  
> versions worth of release notes to read each release. If we keep  
> going as we are they will easily have 200+ messages of bundle  
> changes alone.

On the plus side, I often search the release notes looking for  
something I know is there, but can't remember exactly where.  Adding  
these messages enhances that.

> On the flipside I understand where you are coming from; it might be  
> a good idea to have a bundle changes list. But with them being this  
> numerous I think they'd need to be separate from the main release  
> notes. Perhaps a second menu-command below release notes that can  
> be optionally opened.

That sounds like a great idea to me.

James Edward Gray II

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