[SVN] Release Note Additions

Michael Sheets msheets at whitefalls.org
Thu Aug 10 00:35:35 UTC 2006

We've got this cool new feature that puts bundle commit messages into  
the main release notes… but we really need to watch how much we use  
it. Already since the last release we've got seven new items for the  
next release notes and it's only been five days.

We should really be limiting the use here to _major_ changes, things  
like a completely new bundle or a new feature that will be really  
helpful to a broad set of people. A new snippet or command really  
shouldn't qualify imho.

We should also probably try and keep them short as many of the users  
reading the notes won't be using that language, etc. If the feature  
is complicated enough to need a long explanation put it in a help  
file perhaps. :)

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