[SVN] Discoverability. Single global shortcut?

thomas Aylott oblivious at subtlegradient.com
Wed Apr 5 14:21:38 UTC 2006

>> The Rails bundle, for instance, has a whole slew of great stuff  
>> with no shortcut at all. It wouldn't hurt anything to give them  
>> all the same shortcut.
>> So if nobody has any objections, I'm going to start by giving a  
>> global shortcut to all the items in the Rails bundle that don't  
>> already have shortcuts.
> http://textmate.svn.subtlegradient.com/Bundles/Rails_testing.tmbundle/
> feed://trippledoubleyou.subtlegradient.com/textmate/taylott_svnlog.rss
> Anyone interested in this idea can go ahead and check out this  
> version of the Rails bundle on my personal SVN server.
> I added the ctrl-shift-esc shortcut to everything that didn't  
> already have a shortcut.

I have also just added the Ruby bundle


I added the ctrl-shift-esc shortcut to everything that didn't already  
have a shortcut.
Then I added the source.ruby.rails scope for everything to have the  
same precedence in rails source (read: make it work at all)


When you have stuff from different bundles in the same list they are  
grouped together with a lovely little label showing the bundle they  
come from.
Unfortunately when this happens you can no longer type the first few  
characters to select.
I think this is probably an OS problem, but it's still a problem.

A possible workaround would be for allan to change the list from  
grouping to putting the bundle name in as a disabled menu option  
instead. That would keep the type-to-select thing working. Ideally,  
apple would fix the list thing to make it work the "right" way, but  
let's not hold our breath.

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