[SVN] Discoverability. Single global shortcut?

thomas Aylott oblivious at subtlegradient.com
Wed Apr 5 06:05:23 UTC 2006

>> * Share tab trigger with extremely similar items only
> For instance, all the "validate" snippets should have the same tab  
> trigger, as should all "redirect_to" snippets and so on. The  
> snippets the way they are now are very chaotic, and for me  
> completely useless.

Yeah. I'm not a fan of the rails tab triggers.
Some of those snippets could/should really be combined into slightly  
more complex snippets.

instead of link_to, link_to controller,  link_to action controller &  
id etc... We could just have link_to and tab + delete whatever you  
don't need.
Or just have all of them use the same tab trigger

  — tAy,. …

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