[SVN] Revision 1862 (Transmit)

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Fri Sep 30 02:39:54 UTC 2005

• changed key equivalent to ctrl-cmd T for both, since cmd T is “Go to File…” -- a heavily used feature, so let's not override that :)
• renamed directory to folder -- I know all the shell stuff use directory (i.e. the variables), but Mac UI uses the term “folder” for the same
• removed “to Transmit” from the command names (since it's in the Transmit bundle), and also title cased File/Folder (since these will appear as menu items) -- a lot of existing commands should have this changed as well
• quoted shell variables used in the commands to allow paths with spaces

If the menu (when pressing ctrl-cmd T) is unwanted, I suggest changing Send to Folder to ctrl-shift-cmd T.

U   trunk/Bundles/Transmit.tmbundle/Commands/DockSend directory to Transmit.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Transmit.tmbundle/Commands/Send to Transmit.plist

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