[SVN] Revision 1807 (Python)

Kumar McMillan kumar.mcmillan at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 14:39:15 UTC 2005

Added "Browse pydocs in browser" to complement the other Python doc commands.  Even though looking up a module/method with the current "pydoc" command is great, it doesn't help if you don't know exactly what you are looking for.  By starting the server (lazily) and actually browsing the docs, this makes it a bit easier to dig through your local install.  It also solves the problem of anchor links not working in the TextMate "pydoc" command.

A   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Commands/Browse All Pydocs.plist
A   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Support/browse_pydocs.py
U   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/info.plist

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