Follow HTML output & mate command (was: [SVN] Revision 2016 (Latex))

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at
Wed Oct 26 15:05:12 UTC 2005

On 26/10/2005, at 14.57, Jeroen van der Ham wrote:

> Subversion doesn't like 'mate' as editor, it has to be "mate -w" or  
> "mate_wait".

Yes, as noted on my blog [1] and Help -> TextMate -> Terminal Usage :)

The think about tty detection has to do with piping and not being  
called from svn, since there is a tty as both in/out in that ccase.

As for making the HTML output follow new output (rplying to your IRC  
message), you'll need to edit the plist and add:  

The key is named a little strange (because initially it was default  
to follow new output), and there will be a checkbox for this in the  
bundle editor (eventually).


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