[SVN] Revision 2011 (Java)

Brad Miller bonelake at mac.com
Wed Oct 26 02:14:48 UTC 2005

A simple command to bring up a local copy of the Javadoc in TextMate's HTML window.
Right now it uses the doc installed in CurrentJDK, but this can be modified by setting the environment variable TM_JAVADOC (Useful if you have both Java 1.4 and 5 installed).  The command is bound to F3 in the source.java scope.
I miss Textmate when I try to do Java coding in Idea or netbeans, so I'd like to improve on this to bring up javadoc for the selected word.  This seems like a challenge.  It would probably be easy to construct links to likely candidates, if someone knows of a pre-existing script to do something like this let me know.  What other Java IDE features would people like to see?

A   trunk/Bundles/Java.tmbundle/Commands/ShowJavaDoc.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Java.tmbundle/info.plist

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