[SVN] Revision 1884 (Text)

Kevin Ballard kevin at sb.org
Thu Oct 6 00:54:01 UTC 2005

Add new commands Record Scratch Snippet and Insert Scratch Snippet.
Record Scratch Snippet simply saves the currently selected text. This scratch snippet will last until a new one is recorded, the computer is reset, or the /tmp dir is cleared.
Insert Scratch Snippet simply inserts the recorded text as a snippet.
These two commands allow you to create temporary snippets that you have no reason to save permanently.

A   trunk/Bundles/Text.tmbundle/Commands/Insert Scratch Snippet.plist
A   trunk/Bundles/Text.tmbundle/Commands/Record Scratch Snippet.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Text.tmbundle/info.plist

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