[SVN] r2259 (Subversion)

Chris Thomas chris at cjack.com
Thu Nov 24 03:47:56 UTC 2005

Make "Update Entire" project suck considerably less. It now shares format_status.rb with the status command. Notable resultant improvements include:

• output is much prettier
• output paths are now direct links to files
• markup in pathnames is properly escaped, so updating (X|HT)ML bundle snippets doesn't cause chaos

U   trunk/Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Commands/Subversion status.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Commands/Update Entire Project.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Support/Stylesheets/svn_status_style.css
U   trunk/Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Support/format_status.rb

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