[SVN] r2256 (Java)

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at macromates.com
Thu Nov 24 03:20:34 UTC 2005

Partial cleanup (I dare not remove too much here, but I'd like to remove/improve lots of the snippets)
I removed the fileTypes array from Soryu's Java language grammar, so that it's always the stock one that gets chosen by default -- what is the status on the two grammars?
I removed several of the “Find j-*” commands. It seems like cmd-E (copy selection to the find clipboard), shift-cmd-F (Find in Project), and return, would amount to almost the same.

U   trunk/Bundles/Java.tmbundle/Commands/Find j-class declar.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Java.tmbundle/Commands/Find j-interf declar.plist
D   trunk/Bundles/Java.tmbundle/Commands/Find j-method declar.plist
D   trunk/Bundles/Java.tmbundle/Commands/Find j-senders.plist
D   trunk/Bundles/Java.tmbundle/Commands/Java list methods.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Java.tmbundle/Commands/ShowJavaDoc.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Java.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Soryu Java.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Java.tmbundle/info.plist

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