[SVN] Final naming revision (hopefully)

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Sat May 28 00:48:16 UTC 2005

On May 26, 2005, at 15:03, hadley wickham wrote:

>>     string.quoted.tripple         -- """Python"""
> I think you mean triple!

Yes :)

>>     markup.underline
>>     markup.underline.link
>>     markup.bold
>>     markup.italic
>>     markup.other
> Could I suggest markup.raw for text the markup engine doesn't markup?

Would it work to make this a child of constant? So perhaps:  
constant.verbatim, which we could also use for <![CDATA[…]]> in SGML/ 
XML. Which make me think that maybe here-docs should also be in this  

As you've probably figured, my goal is to have as few top-level names  
as possible, and then get pretty good coloring accross languages by  
only assigning style to the top level names. Markup though being the  
exception, here styles assigned would include the second-level name.

> It would also be nice to include some block level formatting, eg:
> markup.heading
> markup.list
> markup.quoted

I'd say; if it's unacceptable to have these 3 things styled the same  
(by default), then I'm open for it. Otherwise I'd prefer to have  
these under markup.other. That way, the default themes would only  
address markup.other (in addition to bold, italic & underline), and  
everything supported by the markup language would be highlighted.

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