[SVN] Revision 1033 (Source)

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Sat May 21 07:41:45 UTC 2005

• Added a (simple) command to toggle comments. It uses 3 variables:
   TM_COMMENT_MODE  -- set to block or line
   TM_COMMENT_START -- start marker
   TM_COMMENT_END   -- end marker

Starting with 1.1b10 it's possible to set shell variables for a given scope, so the intent is that these variables are set for each language, and thus the command will also work for mixed-language files.

Sorry for not building on the existing command, I just needed something that worked fast ;)

A   trunk/Bundles/Source.tmbundle/Commands/Toggle comment.plist
U   trunk/Settings/Basic settings.tmScopeSettings

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