[SVN] Revision 1028 (HTML)

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Sat May 21 04:04:40 UTC 2005

• Added tidy to support dir.
• Changed commands to use the bundled tidy.
• Changed commands to work on stdin instead of filename.
• Added -utf8 to the commands, since tidy doesn't pick up charset from the document. For people who keep their documents in ASCII this shouldn't really matter, and for those who doesn't use ASCII, I guess they'd anyway need to specify the encoding for the command.
• The tidy command no longer puts errors in the top of the document, I read the comment as this wasn't really desired. If the errors should stay, maybe put them last and inside a comment?

U   trunk/Bundles/HTML.tmbundle/Commands/Tidy Error Display.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/HTML.tmbundle/Commands/Tidy.plist
A   trunk/Support/bin/tidy
A   trunk/Support/bin/tidy-license.txt

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