[SVN] Revision 895 (PHP)

Mats Persson mats at imediatec.co.uk
Fri May 13 15:06:57 UTC 2005

On 12 May 2005, at 22:19, Allan Odgaard wrote:
>> Does anyone know if it would speed things up to define all  
>> function keywords in one big match  instead of how they were,  
>> separated by category [...]
> Probably wouldn't really help. The reason it's slow is:
>  1) type abstraction (regex works on iterators instead of raw storage)
>  2) double dispatch using virtual methods to have type neutrality  
> between NFA and storage
>  3) no optimizations done in the actual regex lib (like using  
> bitmaps for character classes, collapsing literal nodes, switching  
> to (sub) linear time searches for trivial sequences a.s.o.)
> Crafting the regular expressions differently may give some, like in  
> the obj-c case which gave ~25%, but the things above are likely  
> costing a 30-50 times overhead, meaning changing this is the only  
> way to reach reasonable speeds for the 1000+ PHP functions.

And Allan, in his eminently capable style lost me completely there,  
but I hope my translation (= "things will get faster soon-ish, when  
Allan has done more of his normal magic")  is correct. ;-)  Please  
correct me if I'm wrong.

> meaning changing this is the only way to reach reasonable speeds  
> for the 1000+ PHP functions.

What's "this" referring to ? (I assume TM's internal regexp stuff,  
but is perhaps wrong)

Kind regards,


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