[SVN] Revision 851 (XML)

Jeroen van der Ham jeroen at je-ju.net
Wed May 4 23:53:32 UTC 2005

My previous commit was not exactly right:
$0 is added implicitly at the end of every snippet, unless it is defined inside the snippet.

There is a valid reason to have the long tag have $0 in between the tags: if you don't, it is not possible to use tabs or other snippets inside it, which you typically want to do.

Besides fixing that, I also added default values and another long tag snippet with attributes (tab-trigger "<a")

U   trunk/Bundles/XML.tmbundle/Snippets/010 long tag.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/XML.tmbundle/Snippets/020 short tag.plist
A   trunk/Bundles/XML.tmbundle/Snippets/long attribute tag.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/XML.tmbundle/info.plist

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