[SVN] Bundle commit 530
torsten.becker at gmail.com
torsten.becker at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 17:00:17 UTC 2005
• Fixed/improved the highlighting of Ruby symbols, I hope it now gets all of them, see http://members.lycos.co.uk/staff/tm/ruby_sym_dbg.rb for with what I tested it, this is a small list of the fixed things:
- ?: and :`` showed up as symbols, I am sure they aren't this.
- :a==, :a!a, :a?a, :a==b, and :a=b claimed to be symbols
- Also :a=> got rendered a bit strange.
- Added all other things which are be symbols, see the comment in line 333 for detailed infos.
- Removed "TODO: deal with these symbols :"\"x" :'\'x'" because the quoted symbols should do this ATM. (I tested it)
• Fixed the Rails Syntax because it didn't highlighted Rails keywords (probably because of Simon's commit at r506 in line 89 of the Ruby syntax, I love Blame ;) )
Currently there is only one problem left with the .rhtml files. Because the default Ruby syntax doesn't include the Rails methods they are not colored. Also not if I choose Ruby on Rails to be my handler for .rb (it claims to be mode-Ruby, BTW). It would be nice if TM could remember it if I choose another Syntax to handle mode-Ruby and handle the pattern inclusion in Syntax files this way. (This is a feature Request :) )
Yes, one could HTML (Ruby) let include Ruby On Rails, but I think this way would be better because so non-railers don't see the methods highlighted in their .rhtmls if they don't want this.
U trunk/Rails.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Ruby on Rails.plist
U trunk/Ruby.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Ruby.plist
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