[SVN] Bundle commit 446

Mats Persson mats at imediatec.co.uk
Tue Mar 8 18:51:35 UTC 2005

On 8 Mar 2005, at 17:55, Allan Odgaard wrote:
> On Mar 8, 2005, at 18:41, Mats Persson wrote:
>> I can sit for hours staring at TM, but just typing this e-mail in 
>> Mail is a bit glaring on my eyes.
> Are you using an LCD or CRT screen? I find my LCD screen on darkest 
> brightness setting is much more relaxing on my eyes with black on 
> white than white on black. Grey on black is probably close to black on 
> white -- but if I turn up the intensity on my screen, or use a CRT, 
> white background gets more irritating.

Using an iMac G5 20" with the brightness at the darkest point. However 
the difference between this screen and my old 19" CRT (cheapo PC 
version) is absolutely enormous!!!  I guess I 'damaged' my eyes looking 
at that really bad screen for about 5 years, because this screen is 
just too sharp and too bright for me some days.

What I'm looking forward to is b6 and - hopefully - the ability to 
easily switch stylesheets based upon mood, lighting conditions (sunny 
vs not sunny) and so on.

On 8 Mar 2005, at 17:57, Allan Odgaard wrote:
> Ah, I think we've had these come and go: no files actually use the PHP 
> syntax, they instead use the HTML (PHP) syntax which include the PHP 
> syntax, which is why these file types are not in the PHP syntax.
> The file types are btw just so that TM can pick a reasonable default 
> syntax file, the first time it sees an extension.

Yeah, I thought about that, and for me there's never really been an 
issue, but I just had an e-mail exchange with Bryce Thornton who I sent 
the bundle to off-list and he couldn't get the syntax highlighting to 
work. Turned out to be that he had to select View Syntax... for it to 
work and wanted it to work automatically. Not sure why it didn't work 
for him.(?)

Kind regards,


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