[SVN] Bundle commit 426

Mats Persson mats at imediatec.co.uk
Fri Mar 4 17:38:32 UTC 2005

JavaScript (PHP).plist
Added a JS syntax for PHP which is also a complete reworking/rebuilding of the existing JavaScript syntax for more fine-grained control of Objects, Methods and properties.
-- text formatted for better readability of syntax structure
-- temporary syntax colouring in line with other files in this package for easier to read scheme (all syntax groups have a unique colour)
-- added "comments.html.js" for supported <!-- tags inside <script> tags in HTML.
-- changed "keywords.js" to "keywords.reserved.js" and added all known reserved keywords
-- added "keywords.objects.js" syntax group with named JS Objects (currently set to be case-insensitive, but can be changed to case sensitive)
-- added "keywords.methods.js" syntax group with named JS methods (case-sensitive)
-- added "keywords.properties.js" syntax group with named JS properties (case-sensitive)
-- added "keywords.event-handlers.js" syntax group with named JS Event-handlers (case-sensitive)
-- added "keywords.operators.js" syntax group with complete range of operators
-- added "constants.js" for JavaScript defined constants
-- disabled "strings.regex.js" as it cuts out syntax colouring. Needs more work.

A   trunk/PHP.tmbundle/Syntaxes/JavaScript (PHP).plist

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