[SVN] Bundle commit 424
Mats Persson
mats at imediatec.co.uk
Fri Mar 4 17:37:19 UTC 2005
HTML (PHP).plist
A reworking/rebuilding of the existing HTML-PHP syntax for more fine-grained control of tags, attributes and values, as well as some additions from the main HTML syntax file.
-- changed text formatting for better readability of syntax structure
-- changed syntax colouring to a darker more easy to read scheme (temporary display where all syntax groups have a unique colour)
-- added "macros.server-side-includes.html" for Server Side Includes syntax.
-- added "meta.docinfo.xml.html" for <?xml..> highlighting
-- removed "keywords.markup.tags.html" and "keywords.markup.tag.options.html" replaced with improved elements and attributes syntax groups (see next two points)
-- added "keywords.markup.elements.html" with named html elements so that only proper HTML tags are highlighted
-- added "keywords.markup.attributes.html" with named attributes so that only proper attributes are highlighted
-- changed "embedded.php" to "embedded.php.html"
-- added "embedded.css.html" for CSS syntax inside HTML files (see below for more info)
-- added "embedded.js.html" for JavaScript syntax inside HTML files (see below for more info)
U trunk/PHP.tmbundle/Syntaxes/HTML-PHP.plist
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