[SVN] snippets encoding

cubiq at cubiq.org cubiq at cubiq.org
Tue Mar 1 07:49:50 UTC 2005

> How about instead do a macro e.g. on ctrl-shift-tab that selects the 
> previous character and uses the “HTML -> As Named Entities” command? 
> That way you won't need a special snippet per character (but instead a 
> special key stroke to invoke the expansion).

Yes, the macro should work.
I know TM is a general text editor but I am talking like a web 
developer now and having html entities automatically converted 
depending on the file encoding whould be even better.
If I am in UFT-8 I'd love to have all my "à" automatically translated 
into "à" with a macro that can translate it back. If I am in 
iso-8859-1 "à" is allowed and there no need to translate it but if I 
want I may use the same magical macro to convert it anyway.
am I saying non senses?


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