[SVN] Bundle commit 394

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Tue Mar 1 05:02:33 UTC 2005

On Feb 28, 2005, at 23:34, Chris Thomas wrote:

> No need to display the command.
> Changed:
> U   trunk/Subversion.tmbundle/Tools/format_status.rb
> U   trunk/Subversion.tmbundle/Tools/svn_commit.rb

I know that I sort of requested this myself, but it turns out that it 
was rather nice that the command executed was shown as output after 
having entering the commit message -- gave some sort of confirmation 
that the script was now proceeding with the work.

It could of course just be that I'd gotten used to the output, and so 
my feeling of “discomfort” (while anxiously waiting for something to 
happen) is only because of previous associative learning that now needs 
to be unlearned ;)

But I'd opt for having some sort of output after having written the 
commit message. Could just be the actual log message entered by the 

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