[SVN] Possible 'save as' drawer display bug

Matt Pelletier pelletierm at eastmedia.net
Sun Jun 26 11:06:52 UTC 2005

If I perform a 'Save as' on a file, with the drawer open on a folder  
that includes that file, when the drawer refreshes is does not add  
the new file's name; instead it replaces the original file's position  
in the folder with the new 'saved as' name. alt-tabbing to another  
app and back to refresh the drawer corrects this, showing both the  
original file and the new one.

Using 1.1b14 on Tiger. The drawer is showing a folder on a networked  
drive (to a win 2003 machine).

This deals with the display in the drawer only; it is not a file issue.



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