[SVN] Revision 1250 (Perl)

Eric Hsu textmate at betterfilecabinet.com
Fri Jun 24 19:11:41 UTC 2005

- qq now swallows escaped nested delimiters (does anyone use this feature?!)

qq( dumb (feature \) isn't it? ) I know); 

is highlighted correctly.

- qq needs a word boundary at start.

Heredocs working pretty well except for 

(1) the f(<<""); cosmetic bug on ").
	This can be fixed by parsing out the <<"" part and all text through ; and then
	classifying the heredoc as a quote. That's a lot of work that I'll let someone else do.

(2) worse, the nested heredocs problem. 
	This one I don't know how to solve with the current grammars.

print <<"joe", <<"momma"; # You can stack them
I said foo.
I said bar.

U   trunk/Bundles/Perl.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Perl.plist

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