[SVN] Revision 1201 (Tcl)

Barrett Clark DMSbclar at aol.com
Thu Jun 16 21:01:20 UTC 2005

Updated Tcl keyword list.  I have another syntax file for a different editor that had more
keywords in it.  Maybe some have been deprecated or maybe my list is more current -- not sure.

I also created a file for embedded Tcl -- HTML (Tcl), which is really just a copy of HTML (PHP)
with a few very minor tweaks.  If anyone else happens to do anything with AOLServer, please feel
free to jump in.  For my personal syntax highlighting preferences I created a new highlighting
scheme for keyword.tcl.aolserver that I highlighted red, but it defaults to blue like the
other keywords.  My bet is that I'm the only person running AOLServer, but I thought I'd share
just in case....

A   trunk/Bundles/Tcl.tmbundle/Syntaxes/HMTL (Tcl).plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Tcl.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Tcl.plist

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