[SVN] Revision 1192 (Latex)

Brad Miller bonelake at mac.com
Tue Jun 14 18:55:35 UTC 2005

Add a new syntax file TeX.plist.  This file should contain definitions of plain TeX syntax.  I have made a tiny start on some TeX syntax, for example keyword.control type stuff.  Also since $math stuff$ is pure TeX and not LaTeX I started to move the pure math stuff into TeX mode.  

LaTeX now includes source.tex.  

I changed declaration.*   to meta.* for the begin/end patterns

I also reverted the pattern for \item to something more simple, so that the the text after the \item tag is parsed.  I know this can change again after recursion is working but I'm not sure it really needs to.

Finally I created a test.tex file so we can all pile on our favorite test cases that cause syntax highlighting to not work, and to make sure we have examples of the basic stuff so we can be sure it doesn't break when making improvements.

U   trunk/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Syntaxes/LaTeX.plist
A   trunk/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Syntaxes/TeX.plist
A   trunk/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Syntaxes/test.tex
U   trunk/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/info.plist

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