[SVN] Revision 1188 (Ruby)

Michael Sheets msheets at whitefalls.org
Tue Jun 14 09:43:50 UTC 2005

Added a module declaration scope. Fixed the use of "class <<self" to no longer start a heredoc as well as be properly scoped. Also changed the scope name for module, class, and def to 'storage.type.*'. Allan was wondering if the matching ends should be as well, but as far as I can tell that's unfeasible.

Unsure of the names I gave the new items so someone more adept at the Ruby terminology feel free to correct my lunacy. :)

Also I wasn't sure so I didn't, but I think module and class can be removed from keyword.control now. Correct?

U   trunk/Bundles/Ruby.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Ruby.plist

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