[SVN] weird problem with a latex file

Charilaos Skiadas skiadas at math.uchicago.edu
Tue Jun 7 08:26:33 UTC 2005

I have the following  seemingly very weird problem. I have a tex file, 
that I try to open with textmate. Admittedly it is not a very simple 
file, but nonetheless, TM opens it, but does not color it. If at this 
point I try to type something in the file, then I get spinning beach 
ball. I can select and delete parts of the file. I can even remove 
enough to bring the file down a text that by itself, in a new window, 
would have been processed just fine. But the moment I try to edit 
anything, it freezes. I have managed to eliminate the problem to the 
following section:


I thought this might be related to the presence of the comment tags %, 
but I removed them and get the same problem. Now I am guessing it has 
to do either with some regular expressions not being right, or it 
involves a deep enough nesting that it transcends TM's capabilities. I 
sure hope it's the former, and I'll try to see if I can figure it out.

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