[SVN] Re: textmate-dev Digest, Vol 7, Issue 18

Paulo Moura pmoura at di.ubi.pt
Sun Jul 24 12:13:13 UTC 2005

Hi Allan,

>> Unfortunately, the new version does not compile out of the box. I
>> get compiler errors related to the use of boost regexp library.
> Been there myself... the boost regexp library is IMHO horrible and
> not very type neutral (despite supposedly being a generic library),
> and best of all, it's a candidate for the next revision of the C++
> standard...
> IIRC the current binary in the repository was added by Brad Miller, I
> don't know if he took it from a distro (like Fink or Darwin Ports),
> cause if so, then there's a chance that the distro would get the new
> version, and we could just grab it from there, Brad?

I tried, with no success, to hack the DarwinPorts portfile in order  
to build a static, standalone executable. I've already updated (but  
not committed) the two source commands to use the nes source- 
highlight version. We will need to add a directory with the language  
description files next to the source-highlight binary.



Paulo Jorge Lopes de Moura
Dep. of Informatics                   Office 4.3  Ext. 3257
University of Beira Interior          Phone: +351 275319700
6201-001 Covilhã                      Fax:   +351 275319899

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