[SVN] Bundle commit 99

Eric Hsu erichsu at math.sfsu.edu
Thu Jan 20 06:48:20 UTC 2005

At 7:35 AM +0100 1/20/05, Allan Odgaard wrote:
>Maybe they should be under invalid.*?

I thought about that, but spaces and tabs aren't really invalid...

In reality, anyone who wants to change these colors will want to pick 
their own; most stylesheets aren't going to have a different 
background, which is what one needs to make these visible...

But TM is going to provide it's own built-in Show Invisibles soon, 
right?  1.2?   :)

I was needing a version of Zap Gremlins (from BBedit) today, and when 
I have time I'll write a clone of that. The issue was that I could 
find a Gremlin, but I couldn't copy it to the find window to get rid 
a bunch of them...

- Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu

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