[SVN] tiny requests; SVN rocks; public links

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Thu Jan 6 05:29:26 UTC 2005

On Jan 6, 2005, at 5:44, Eric Hsu wrote:

> 1a. In 1.1b1p2, assigning a keystroke to a command makes it jump to  
> the next one; annoying if it's the last one and it jumps to the top.  
> Especially, if you want to make sure you entered the right keystroke.

Yes, been bitten by that a lot myself :) it's sort of OS standard  
behavior, which is why I haven't changed it (i.e. to wrap around when  
leaving the last field) -- I'm changing the list to an outline for beta  
2, and I was thinking simply to not make the hotkey editable in the  
list view, but instead have it in a text field similar to the snippet  

Is this acceptable? an alternative is to not move focus after entering  
a hotkey, but that also has problems (requires one to use the mouse) --  
having the hotkey editable in the list view is also a problem for  
another reason: I have on several occasions lost hotkeys because I just  
instinctually used tab to get to the next field.

> 1b. 1.1b1p2 asks to 'upgrade' to 1.1b1.

Yes, didn't really consider what adding 'p2' to the version number  
would result in ;) you can edit TextMate.app/Contents/info.plist to  
have the CFBundleVersion property use 1.1b1 as version string. Then it  
shouldn't report about the “new” version.

> 2. I'm loving the SVN. Right now, links to the bundles live in a  
> zillion places, like our private storage sites, the Wiki(s) and the  
> SVN. Can we just do SVN? That is, can we forevermore direct people to  
> grab the bundles off the SVN site?

Yes, I also think the SVN is a great success and want to keep it! :)  
I'm also open to adding new users, so if any of you receive  
contributions to your bundles and don't mind people checking in their  
additions themselves, then just let me know and I'll add them.

I consider the person who do the initial checkin (or creation) of a  
bundle to be the maintainer, and he'll get the final say in what can  
happen to it.

I also assume that inclusion with TextMate is granted for all  
contributions to the repository :)

> Or automate the tgzip-ing of the latest bundles, so they'll be in tidy  
> packages?

I'll add to my deployment build script that it does a SVN checkout to  
get the latest bundles included (so beta versions will use them). But I  
can also add a tgz “gateway” to the repository/web. I assume most  
prefer to get bundles in an archive of some sort rather than do  

I probably won't look into this before next week, but if anyone wants  
to write a script to present the bundles with a nicer HTML front end  
with revision number of the bundle/date of last change/change log/link  
to tgz archive etc. then I'll gladly install it at macromates.com.

Probably we should also agree on name conventions for auxiliary files  
like README and HISTORY!?! (so that any web-frontend etc. can  
automatically detect these files)

I'll be adding a property list per bundle to have it carry some meta  
info like UUID. Then author and such could also be placed in this.

> It feels like a lot of work to go update the wiki as well now... is  
> that lazy?

It's definitely redundant work to keep the wiki up-to-date when it can  
be automated, so the wiki-bundle-system will be dropped.

> 3. Can I direct people to the anonymous web access to the SVN  
> repository? E.g. "go download the source at  
> <http://anon:anon@macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Latex.tmbundle/ 
> LaTeXTidy.pl>"

Yes! :)

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