[SVN] Bundle commit 384

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Mon Feb 28 14:35:22 UTC 2005

On Feb 28, 2005, at 7:09, Chris Thomas wrote:

> Cool. Could we move tools like CommitWindow and "play" there? Maybe 

Yes -- there's actually a minor problem with the current solution. If a 
user modifies the command then TM_BUNDLE_PATH will change from that of 
the default bundle in TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport to the now 
customized bundle in ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate, and that's 
rarely desired.

> There will be issues with commands in the repo depending on new tools, 
> but anyone checking out bundles from SVN is savvy enough to check out 
> new tools as well.

I'll probably end up creating a sophisticated dependency system ;)

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