[SVN] Bundle commit 384

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Mon Feb 28 00:22:38 UTC 2005

On Feb 27, 2005, at 22:46, Roger Braunstein wrote:

> -- find a way to help the user find the ActionScriptDictionary folder 
> and set it to $TM_FLASH_HELP
> -- default value for $TM_FLASH_HELP before running these commands

I have committed a script that might prove as a solution. There's 
currently no system in place, so this is actually the first attempt of 
addressing the problem.

I wouldn't mind introducing some sort of setup system, as I don't think 
it's optimal to have the user setup all these variables in the advanced 
preferences -- but doing as in the script I just committed might be 

To avoid having each bundle replicate the logic in that script, I'd 
like to introduce a TM_SUPPORT_DIRECTORY variable that points to some 
folder (in the TextMate.app bundle) with some shared resources that all 
bundles can then use.

> -- move the perl script inside the .plist itself (i was having trouble 
> with perl << EOF .. .code... EOF)

Most likely you just need to quote EOF, e.g.:

pl <<"EOF"

Without the quotes, the shell will do its magic, like expanding 
variables ($foo) and stuff.

> -- for test and publish movie, modify .jsfl code to find selected .FLA 
> document and bring it to front / open it instead of publishing 
> currently open .fla file (almost done)

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