[SVN] Bundle commit 340

torsten.becker at gmail.com torsten.becker at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 16:49:43 UTC 2005

just 2 ruby commands i want to share with others.

the first checks the ruby syntax and shows you the result as a tooltop.

the second executes the current line with ruby and shows you the result,
if there were a error it just shows you the name of the raised exception.

i wanted to publish this earlier but i had problems with ruby-1.6 and
exceptions raised within eval.

i really like to use this excute line thing because you can do small
math convert hex or bin numbers, etc.

the syntax check is bound to ^V, like the css valiador, because they
do the same on different languages, iam not sure if this is ok.

A   trunk/Ruby.tmbundle/Commands/Check Ruby Syntax.plist
A   trunk/Ruby.tmbundle/Commands/Execute Line with Ruby.plist
U   trunk/Ruby.tmbundle/info.plist

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