[SVN] Bundle commit 321

Kevin Ballard kevin at sb.org
Sun Feb 20 15:33:24 UTC 2005

On Feb 20, 2005, at 4:46 AM, Eric Hsu wrote:

>> If it is, it might be nice to check if the user has the pro version 
>> -- I'm quite sure I read somewhere how one could query the Launch 
>> Services database from a shell script, but I can't find it at 
>> present, and I have given up on AppleScript :/

It's possible to *register* applications with a shell script (the 
LaunchServices framework has a tool called lsregister), but I just 
checked and the only way to query it is to do something like 
`lsregister -dump | grep OmniOutliner\ Professional'. First off, the 
-dump dumps *everything* in the LaunchServices database, and secondly, 
I believe that if OmniOutliner Professional is deleted, it will still 
exist in the LaunchServices database for at least a while.

> You are quite correct from a UI standpoint... but I figured the time 
> it would take me to figure out how to do it might exceed the total 
> time of all people changing the command themselves to suit their 
> version of OO.  :)

Why not just check the return code of `open', and if it's non-zero (it 
returns 1 when it can't find the specified app), strip the 
"Professional" and try again.

Kevin Ballard
kevin at sb.org
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