[SVN] Bundle commit 321

Eric Hsu erichsu at math.sfsu.edu
Sun Feb 20 09:46:34 UTC 2005

At 10:39 AM +0100 2/20/05, Allan Odgaard wrote:
>>[...] OPML, OPML in OmniOutliner, Markdown, Kwiki/pmWiki,
>I wonder if it's necessary to specify -a "OmniOutliner[ 
>Professional].app" when opening opml files?
>If it is, it might be nice to check if the user has the pro version 
>-- I'm quite sure I read somewhere how one could query the Launch 
>Services database from a shell script, but I can't find it at 
>present, and I have given up on AppleScript :/

You are quite correct from a UI standpoint... but I figured the time 
it would take me to figure out how to do it might exceed the total 
time of all people changing the command themselves to suit their 
version of OO.  :)

Of course, if you (or anyone) figures out an easy way to do this, I'm 
happy for improvements to be made...

- Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu

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