[SVN] licenses, redistributing perl

Eric Hsu erichsu at math.sfsu.edu
Sat Feb 19 18:51:02 UTC 2005

At 7:15 PM +0100 2/19/05, Allan Odgaard wrote:
>>1.  Allan notes correctly that I was using HTML::Entities, which I 
>>thought was a standard library but was sadly mistaken. The easiest 
>>solution was to include the library (it's 16K). [...]
>What is wrong with doing the entity substitution inline instead of 
>calling encode_entities?

Your version caught <'s, but I was trying to faithfully reproduce the 
range of entities, like symbols and accented characters.  Much to my 
surprise, on further testing, your simple version preserved these 
much better than the encoding-processed version. I guess 
HTML::Entities doesn't encode Mac characters (or utf-8?) characters 
particularly well.

I reverted to the inline version and made the HTML declare a utf-8 encoding.

- Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu

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