[SVN] Bundle commit 293

Torsten Becker torsten.becker at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 17:00:25 UTC 2005

* fixed a error producing typo in the svn_helper.rb

* made chris's format_status.rb use the renamed error class
  of the css (sorry for the name change :> )

* just changed some things in the css:
  - changed font size of the message in svn log
  - the h1 now has a small drop shadow :)

U   trunk/Subversion.tmbundle/Stylesheets/svn_log_style.css
U   trunk/Subversion.tmbundle/Stylesheets/svn_style.css
U   trunk/Subversion.tmbundle/Tools/format_status.rb
U   trunk/Subversion.tmbundle/Tools/svn_helper.rb

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