[SVN] Bundle commit 179

Eric Hsu erichsu at math.sfsu.edu
Wed Feb 2 20:48:05 UTC 2005

At 12:21 PM -0800 2/2/05, Chris Thomas wrote:
>Perhaps this would be more clear as: 'elements that are similar 
>across languages should be grouped together into the same 
>I should put something definitive up on the wiki so we can all bash at it.

Here is my heuristic: I have my favorite colors for different syntax 
items that I want to carry across different languages. So I separated 
items into different classes depending on whether I would want to 
color them in the same way. The assumption is format preferences for 
larger classes cascade down to the subclasses unless there are 
specific overrides.

best, Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu

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