[SVN] r2362 (Latex)

Brad Miller bonelake at mac.com
Sat Dec 3 16:09:22 UTC 2005

On Dec 3, 2005, at 9:39 AM, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:

> ...
> It's a good question, and maybe we should ask the list if they like  
> it this way, and what shortcut they would want. I think they would,  
> and after a while it would become an automatic reflex, just like  
> Tab is an automatic reflex for snippets. All this is provided we  
> find a good shortcut for it. For me they functionally do the same  
> thing, they expand the current selection in an intelligent and  
> predefined way, to the functional unit it stands for. If it's a  
> command that I have not customized, I would be more inclined to  
> just type out \theCommand{} rather than type theCommand and press a  
> key combo, it does not save me enough time to make it worth it. But  
> for the environments, then it's great. That's why i think  
> defaulting to environment makes a lot of sense, and having a  
> separate command for commands would personally confuse me. It would  
> be like having a different key than tab for the tab triggers for  
> half the commands, and tab for the other half, based on, say,  
> whether the command calls a command-line tool or just inserts a  
> snippet. I would just never use the command for commands.
>> It was initially created based on the html command, where almost  
>> everything is begin/end, with one or two exceptions, that are  
>> widely known.
> Agreed things are more clear in the html case. Though even there I  
> would like to see it allowing me to customize for standard tags,  
> and more generally, what attributes I want to appear in the opening  
> tag.
>> With Latex, you have about as much commands as environments and  
>> when the word is unknown, it is also unknown what is meant.
If I remember correctly the current command was invented to replace  
the host of environment commands that had sprung up as snippets as  
the result of some IRC conversation.  The fact that the commands  
could also be added was kind of a bonus and we talked about the fact  
that it might be confusing.  I guess that part turned out to be true.

I am strongly in favor of keeping ctrl-< at least for the  
environments.  I like the fact that it is consistent with html.   
Since environments are analogous with begin/end tag pairs using the  
same key combo makes sense to me.

As for other commands, I like having snippets or other shortcuts that  
help me avoid typing \ and {   which is why I lobbied for keeping the  
\textXX family of commands as snippets.  But I could see creating  
something a bit more generic that might work like the current ctrl-<  
does for commands allowing the user to create their own shortcuts..   
I would vote to put this on ctrl-space  (but thats because I've kept  
quicksilver on cmd-space and put spotlight on ctrl-cmd-space )


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