[SVN] Revision 1612 (ImageBrowser)

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Thu Aug 25 20:26:46 UTC 2005

On 25/08/2005, at 9.47, textmate at mac.com wrote:

>> I suggest using: "${TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY:=$TM_DIRECTORY}" instead  
>> of "$TM_DIRECTORY", that will make it favor the project directory  
>> (but fall back on file directory for non-projects).
> Actually, I now remember why I didn't use $TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY. If  
> the project file (.tmproj) is saved in a location outside of the  
> project root

I feared that -- my intent was always for the project file to be in  
the root of the project, but you're not the first to not do that.

> Any ingenious solutions (or am I missing something somewhere?)?

We could check if TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY is a prefix of TM_DIRECTORY,  
and if so, use that, otherwise the latter.

Though I wonder if I should expose some TM_ROOT_DIRECTORY -- as I've  
mentioned a few times, I've been wanting to get rid of the project  
file, and one of my concerns have been the missing project directory,  
so maybe TM_ROOT_DIRECTORY is inevitable.

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