[SVN] Revision 711 (Python)

Jeroen van der Ham jeroen at je-ju.net
Mon Apr 25 13:06:08 UTC 2005

- Added getter/setter methods, these are not perfect, but will be when Allan's implemented modifiable mirror typing
- Added a note to the Python Syntax that we should change the declaration.function.operator.py match to match the predefined operator functions instead of just __.*__
- Added a python script template that I nicked from the Master (or BDFL), see also:

A   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Snippets/getter.plist
A   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Snippets/setter.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Python.plist
A   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Templates/Python Script with Args/
A   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Templates/Python Script with Args/NewPythonScript.py
A   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Templates/Python Script with Args/info.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/info.plist

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