[SVN] Language Definition Bug/Question

Brad Miller bmiller at luther.edu
Sat Apr 23 14:35:54 UTC 2005


I went to fix the problem we were talking about with lstlisting, so I 
added to the begin pattern to optionally match a left bracket, followed 
by some stuff, followed by a right bracket  The pattern below correctly 
matches the beginning of a lstlisting now with or without the bracket.

             begin = "(\\\\begin\\{)lstlisting(\\})(\\[(.*)\\])?";
             end = "(\\\\end\\{)lstlisting(\\})";
             captures = {
               1 = { name = "keyword.function.environment"; };
               2 = { name = "keyword.function.environment"; };
               //3 = { name = "function-argument.latex.optional"; };
               3 = { name = "keyword.function.environment"; };
               4 = { name = "keyword.function.environment"; };
             patterns = ({ include = "Python"; });

However, If I uncomment the commented out line and fix up the numbering 
of the captures to be sequential from 1..5 TextMate hangs.  Am I doing 
something wrong with my captures or is it a nesting problem in with b6?


Brad Miller, PhD
Assistant Professor
Luther College
jabber:  bnmnetp at jabber.org
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