[SVN] Bundle commit 635 (Python)

Jeroen van der Ham jeroen at je-ju.net
Thu Apr 21 20:34:17 UTC 2005

- Updated LanguageDefinition somewhat, removed all colors from there.
- Cleaned up Python syntax to also adhere to new standard
  - Changed method/classname regexp to conform to the rules
  - Removed backticked string (if you can show me where this is allowed, I'll add it back in)
  - Added match for decorators for functions
  - Removed the now superfluous Light/Dark suffix
  - Added firstLineMatch

As an extra bonus I've included a really simple theme (which should work with most languages). I took some time to select friendly colors hope you like it and do with it as you wish :-)

U   trunk/Bundles/LanguageDefinition.tmbundle/Syntaxes/LanguageDefinition.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Python.plist
D   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Syntaxes/PythonLight.plist
A   trunk/Settings/Simple Theme.tmScopeSettings

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