[SVN] Re: question about Go To Symbol

Kumar McMillan kumar.mcmillan at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 19:11:56 UTC 2005

> This key should be set in the settings (theme editor). So e.g. create a
> new item with scope: "source.php symbols" and the value: "{
> showInSymbolList = 1; }".
> Of course it'd be best if all languages used same names for function
> names, so they'd be reached with a scope of: "declaration.function
> name" or similar (so we do not need a new setting per language).
> > (the simplified function pattern was just for testing).  Maybe the
> > PHP.plist isn't doing anything at all?  The old color scheme does not
> > show up but I thought maybe this was due to it not being updated as a
> > theme.
> There is now very little read from the actual language files, these are
> now only for markup. Colors should be set in the theme editor.

OK, got it working (r 634).  Might need to restructure the PHP.plist
at some point though.

Here is another inquiry/idea about Go To Symbol ...
The best thing about Go To File is the incremental search -- to just
start typing and get the file you want.  Can we have this for Go To
Symbol as well?  One idea for implementing this is to add another
parameter (in addition to showInSymbolList) that corresponds to a
capture name.  Say, for example:

iSearchCaptureName = "myCaptureName";

 .... then in the scope rule there could be this:   

captures = { 1 = { name = "myCaptureName"; }; };



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