[SVN] Changes completed

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Thu Apr 21 08:18:08 UTC 2005

I'm done making changes.

A major change is that all bundles are now contained in a Bundles 

This means that before we had:

After a 'svn up' you should have:

However, if any of your bundles had unrecognized items or modified 
items, I'm quite sure svn will barf. I think the easiest thing is 
either a) make a fresh checkout or b) move/remove all the 
modified/unrecognized items before 'svn up'.

To learn which items svn can't update, do:
    svn status

If it's only info.plist files, then just remove these. If it's other 
stuff, move it out of the bundles to another location (and move it back 
after updating).

If you take this route, after having synchronized the repository you 
need to move all directories one level up like this:
    cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate
    mv Bundles svn_Bundles
    mv svn_Bundles/* svn_Bundles/.svn .
    rmdir svn_Bundles

If instead you opt for a fresh checkout, consider to make this new 
checkout in:
    /Library/Application Support/TextMate

That way, TextMate will read stuff from your checkout, but if you 
change things, it'll save the changes in:
    ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate

And thus in the future there should never be problems when 
synchronizing with the repository. However, if you're an active 
contributer, this may also become tiresome, because you'll have to copy 
your stuff from ~/Library to /Library each time you want to make a 

If you only maintain a single bundle, you can make a checkout of only 
that bundle in ~/Library (and keep the rest in /Library).

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