[SVN] Scope name

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Sat Apr 16 07:00:40 UTC 2005

Currently all syntax files have a root level name which is really a 
display name (e.g. “HTML (Basic)”).

I have introduced a new key named 'scopeName' which gives the syntax a 
name that fits the new scope system better. For now it should be either 
text.<language> (e.g. “text.html”) or source.<language> (e.g. 
“source.objc”). Basically everything that is mainly text with control 
codes should be text.<something> and everything else should be 
source.<something> -- the reason for these names are so that one can 
easily generalize settings across file types, so whether it's really a 
script, byte-code or similar is unimportant, as long as the “settings” 
are the same (where text and source do differ more with regard to 
settings, e.g. soft wrap, spell checking etc.).

The old “mode” key is redundant (and has been since beta 2 actually! :) 

Furthermore, the current syntax files like e.g. HTML.plist uses names 
starting with “embedded” for embedded languages. This should instead be 
“source”, e.g. “source.php.embedded.html”. The reason is that otherwise 
all settings applied to just “source” would need to be also applied to 
“embedded” if these settings were to be active for embedded languages.

I do realize that when doing: { include = source.php; } it may 
intuitively say that the scope is source.php, but it doesn't, because 
we could e.g. have a rule (in HTML) like this:

{  begin = "<%"; end = "%>"; patterns = (
       { include = source.ruby; },
       { include = source.asp; }
    name = "source.ruby-or-asp.embedded.html";

Here we allow for both ruby and asp code inside <% ... %>, so while the 
caret is inside this block, it'll need to rely on the name of the rule 
which does the includes.

Btw: the above probably would clash too much in real life to be useful! 

P.S. This email is just meant to be informative, I do not expect anyone 
to update anything to beta 6 before it's actually released! :)

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