[SVN] Bundle commit 547

Mats Persson mats at imediatec.co.uk
Tue Apr 5 08:17:13 UTC 2005

On 4 Apr 2005, at 20:26, Kumar McMillan wrote:
> Mats, is there anyway you know that the Refresh in Firefox can refresh 
> the current tab?  This is the first time I've looked at this command 
> and it seems to create a blank tab instead of refreshing the current 
> tab.

The simple answer is NO.  Amazingly enough neither Safari or Firefox 
allow you to grab hold of the tabs various tabs.  However, I could 
change the script so that Firefox opens a new window each time if 
that's any better ;-)  (that is one empty + one with the page in).   
Although I hate saying this, M$ IE is actually the best AppleScript 
compliant browser we seem to have. The dev's of Safari/Firefox really 
ought to hurt when I said that, don't you think ?

> Are other people seeing this behavior?

I would love to find out if anyone else does not see this behaviour, or 
know a clever way around it all.

Kind regards,


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