[SVN] Bundle commit 558

Eric Hsu textmate at betterfilecabinet.com
Mon Apr 4 21:30:22 UTC 2005

This is a Regular Expression tester. You copy the regexp to the clipboard, then highlight the text you want to check. Then it produces HTML output which color codes each subcapture. 

There might be a nicer way to grab the regexp, like maybe using Cocoadialog, but I just wanted to get this out there.

I've also included David Lee's Ruby version which I can't get to work on my machine.

A   trunk/RegularExpressions.tmbundle/
A   trunk/RegularExpressions.tmbundle/Commands/
A   trunk/RegularExpressions.tmbundle/Commands/RegExp Test HTML.plist
A   trunk/RegularExpressions.tmbundle/Commands/RegExp Test Tooltip.plist
A   trunk/RegularExpressions.tmbundle/Tools/
A   trunk/RegularExpressions.tmbundle/Tools/hl
A   trunk/RegularExpressions.tmbundle/Tools/hl.pl
A   trunk/RegularExpressions.tmbundle/Tools/rx.css
A   trunk/RegularExpressions.tmbundle/Tools/rx.pl
A   trunk/RegularExpressions.tmbundle/Tools/rx_helper.rb
A   trunk/RegularExpressions.tmbundle/info.plist

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